Thursday, May 15, 2014


I believe that I mentioned that we would be selling our house in Michigan and using the profit to buy a propery here in Asheville, NC.  Well, it turns out, that the amount of money this was able to yield will only go so far in this desirable mountain location.  So, a lot of my thoughts and even words recently have revolved around the stress and fear of this dream we've created not coming to fruition.

-- "What if theres not enough money to get a liveable place and eliminate rent? What if I'm stuck working as a car salesman for the next 30 years and never get to be there for my children the way I want?  What if I dont make enough money this month and we have to use the house profits just to survive?!?!  How can we get out of this endless cycle of working for someone else, and never truly fulfilling our greatest purpose???"--

Well, yesterday, I found myself envying a client (a woman in her 40s.)  She had moved to Asheville 3 years ago and seemed to be interested in a lot of similar things as my family.  She even frequented the same yoga center where I have had so many spiritual experiences.  When filling out her credit app, she told me she made $9600/month from her retirement.  I was blown away.  I was so consumed with jealousy and frustration.  "Why can't I make that type of money and just enjoy my family while the cash rolls in?  Why am I making just enough to survive."
But after spending some time with her, I noticed something was missing.  She was saying things, but there was no meaning behind them.  She was high strung.  There was no peace inside of her.  This woman was not happy because she was living in Asheville, and retired at an early age.  Her life was no more meaningful then the people out there still working for pointless jobs.  Thats when I was reminded of an amazing friend, who shared with me several times, a beautiful quote.

"Life is not about weathering the storm, its about learning to dance in the rain."

I can't control everything in my life.  Right now I'm working towards a goal that is going to create a better future for myself, my wife, our kids, and hopefully to inspire other people on this beautiful planet to think creatively and free themselves from the slavery of our joke of a society.  Although it will take some time, there is no sense in getting upset everyday that I haven't reached what I see as the finish line.  If I can show my family what it means to be a great father and husband during the time I do get with them, I can not ask for more.

I wanted to share this because I'm sure there are lots of others out there feeling very similar feelings, and thinking very similar thoughts.  But blasting negativity towards the things we can not change will get us nowhere.  Make a plan, stick to it, and free yourself.  Theres nothing else you can do.  Fill your life with meaning as best you can.  Invest your time in meaningful activities.  Love everyone and everything.  Namaste.

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